If you have heard people talking about no no skin, you are probably wondering what all the fuss is about.
Well, Radiancy no no Skin is an innovative skin care product with a twist.
The big difference between this pimple treatment product and the rest of the market is that it does not involve any topical treatments (such as creams, gels and lotions) whatsoever.
This makes it a really simple, no-mess way to zap those zits!
The Radiancy no!no! Skin device is available at a discount from Amazon and you can find out more about it by visiting the product page, using the link provided.
How to apply no no skin
- Remove the cover from the product.
- Position the top of it directly over your pimple.
- Press the button and hold it in place for 10 seconds.
- When you hear two beeps, lift it away from your skin.
- Wait for 5 seconds, then repeat the above process on the same pimple.
- Repeat on the next pimple until you have treated them all.
Radiancy no no advertisement
This video is an advertisement for the product so, of course, it is pretty positive! However, it does explain how the product works as detailed in our information below.
[weaver_youtube http://youtu.be/AhnKPTRV7MI sd=0 percent=100 ratio=.5625 center=1 rel=0 https=0 privacy=0 {youtube options}]
How does it work?
The technology uses light and heat energy to stop pimples in their tracks. The light energy goes straight into the pore to get rid of bacteria. At the same time, the heat reduces inflammation and minimises redness.
The company claims that 81% of pimples will disappear within 24 hours after using this no no skin product (which is FDA approved). But what do testers really think of it, and are they happy to pay the price for it? Let’s find out!
What the reviews say

This method of treating pimples is not for everyone. As with any option that is different from the norm, there are going to be people who simply do not like it. However, lots of testers have loved it and reported fantastic results.
It is clear that this treatment is a great alternative to the usual topical treatments for people who find those to be too drying for their skin. The majority of conventional acne treatments contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, which often lead to excessive dryness.
Extract from Amazon Customer Review:-
“I’ve suffered the last 10 years with monthly hormone-related cystic acne. Nothing I did could control it. This product has done the trick! As soon as I feel one coming on, I start the treatment. What was about to erupt into a monster is suddenly tamed to a small nuisance that only I can notice. It is magic.”
Many users have compared the no no skin process to having an extraction as part of a facial (due to the heat it emits). This is not likely to irritate your skin as every zap only lasts for 10 seconds. If you have extremely sensitive skin, however, you may want to think about whether it could withstand the heat. The fact that each zap only takes 10 seconds is a big plus point for reviewers. There are a couple of similar treatments available, but they require up to 3 minutes on each pimple, which might be too long for you if you have a busy schedule – especially if you have many pimples to treat.
One of the most common complaints about this item is that it is expensive. Or is it? Yes, it is not cheap, but you need to remember that has an unlimited number of uses and you can buy it online at the best price I have found, here. Compare this to your usual pimple cream or lotion and work out what you would spend on these topical application over the course of a year. It quickly adds up. The no no is likely to be far cheaper in the long run.
Of course, it is only good value as a long term solution if it actually does get rid of your blemishes. A good piece of advice from users is to use it as soon as you first spot a zit appearing (before it is fully formed). This gives you a much better chance of getting rid of it.
If you have tried several acne creams and lotions that haven’t had the results you expected, it would be worth your while considering the no no skin to clear your complexion.