How To Use Proactiv Mask As A Spot Treatment

The Proactiv Mask is really a dual action skin care product. First of all, it can be applied to the entire face like a mask and left on overnight to soothe reddened skin, help heal blemishes and shrink pores.

The overall effect the next morning should be clear, fresh, radiant skin. The non-synthetic antibacterial compound sulfur is the main ingredient in the Proactiv Solution Refining Mask, which gets rid of the bacteria in the skin.

Using Proactiv as a Pimple Treatment

As well as being used as a facial mask, this product can be applied as a pimple treatment on specific areas of the skin that need the most attention. So if you have a cluster of blackheads on your chin, or a few angry blemishes on your nose, applying the product only on those areas will help to clear them up.

proactiv solution refining maskIf you want to know how to use the Proactiv Refining Mask without drying your skin out too much (as often happens with spot treatment products or even when putting toothpaste on pimples), you can follow a few simple steps.

extract from customer review:-

I tried everything but it either left me looking blotchy or it overdried my skin. I ordered just this refining mask and use everytime I feel something coming on. It works over night! I spot treat lightly at night and in the morning I do the same under my makeup. I LOVE IT!! I hope it’s a product I’ll be able to obtain from here on out.

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