Many people these days are suffering from facial problems and one that is very common is acne. Acne usually starts to appear in the face in the teen years until adulthood and if one is not careful, it may leave annoying facial scars. Many of those who have suffered acne have undergone all sorts of treatment and one that is very effective is eating alkaline rich foods.
There are many theories on acne being related to hormones or age but this may need more convincing facts. Health is one of the biggest factors to acne problems. And the alkaline diet may just be the perfect solution to this skin problem by bringing the body back to balance.
The main problem exists in the balance between the acid and alkaline content in the body. Many may not be aware that the real culprit to acne problems is in the foods that one eats – acid-based foods. Acidic foods are those that contain bad elements such as saturated fats, refined sugar and processed foods, the foods that mostly contain these are cakes, burgers, meat, dairy products, chips, bread, pasta, yeast cigarettes, alcohol and even one’s lifestyle like lack of exercise can all contribute to the acid content of one’s body. These foods slowly deteriorate the cells of the body thus causing all sorts of disease and illnesses including acne problems.
Like all the normal functions of the body such as maintaining a certain temperature, the body also maintains a balance between acid and alkaline, and normally the body’s pH level that should be maintained at all times must read between 7.35 to 7.45. If this is not achieved through the foods that we eat, the body sources alkaline minerals from the different cells and organs to maintain that kind of equilibrium which is debilitating for our body . If the food that is consumed is more of the acidic types, the body reacts by neutralizing it, robbing all the minerals the body needs like calcium, potassium and magnesium from the cells and bones of the body. When acids are neutralized it usually turns into yeast thus all sorts of bacteria and microorganisms appear and accumulate in the body.
Once toxins accumulate in the body it can cause all sorts of health related problems and the worst thing is that the lymphatic nodes may get affected causing cancer cells to appear in the intestines and other parts of the body. Acne, rosacea, psoriasis and eczema are only minor problems that are related to the imbalance of acidity and alkalinity in one’s body.