Sleep is Skin Care

As skin care science becomes more advanced and sophisticated, products like primers and moisturizers are promising greater things like skin rejuvenation and anti-ageing. And unfortunately for most of us, most of these amazing products can cost as much as hundreds of dollars per jar—money that some simply cannot afford to slather on our faces.

For those who are looking for most cost-effective alternatives, all you really need for better-looking skin is a comfy bed and some old-fashioned sleep hygiene.

What scientists say about sleep

sleep and skin care
Sleep can have a big effect on the way our skin looks

There are already numerous studies which prove the crucial role that sleep plays in your state of health. Aside from giving the brain a chance to process data gathered throughout the day, sleep is also when our body cells repair themselves.

Every minute, our cells are exposed to toxins and other insults. In fact, the mere act of respiration causes us to age. Luckily, our bodies create protein molecules that can fix most of the damage that occurs on a microscopic level. And this happens at night, when our body goes into downtime.

So we are already aware (more or less) that sleep is important. In fact, lack of sleep has been clinically linked to depression, anxiety, weight gain and impaired focus and responsiveness. But did you know that sleep can also affect the way your skin looks, not just in the usual dark-circle-under –eyes thing but in a more profound way?

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