Skinceuticals Phyto Corrective Gel, Banish Blotches

Skinceuticals Phyto Corrective Gel is formulated to tackle the redness, blotchy patches and discoloration that results from acne breakouts. It is a light, oil free product with botanical extracts to soothe even the most sensitive of skins.

Many people suffer from acne at some stage in their lives and unfortunately getting rid of pimples themselves is only part of the process. It is extremely common to be left with scarring, discolored patches and red blotches, due to the bacteria that has been present in the pores and the trauma suffered to the skin during the pimple removal process.

Regular acne treatment products are rarely created to deal with this aspect of problem skin.

How This Gel Works

Its botanical extracts have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties to bring relief to irritated skin

It contains glycosides, which are a natural alternative to hydroquinone and help to lighten discolored patches of skin

How To Apply Phyto Corrective Gel

    Skinceuticals Phyto Corrective Gel

  • Apply the gel twice a day.
  • Place a very small amount on a clean fingertip and dot it onto any discolored spots.
  • As well as the face, you can apply it to your neck, arms, per chest and the backs of your hands.
  • Apply your usual moisturizer.

Currently available from Amazon in the UK and the US at a good discount, although the phyto corrective gel is still not cheap – but if it works for you it could be the best money you have ever spent on your complexion! Many testers of this product witnessed a significant difference in the redness on their skin after a few weeks of applying this product twice daily.

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