Dry skin usually results from a lack of hydration and moisturising, often leading to other skin conditions if care is neglected. There are often underlying causes of dry skin conditions.
While some people suffer from skin blemishes, breakouts and acne, others do not, but are affected by dry itchy patches that causes discomfort and unhealthy skin appearance. Understanding what dry skin is, the causes and how to manage the condition are vital to helping us treat our skin and provide care to prevent other skin conditions developing.
What are the Symptoms of Dry Skin?
The skin may appear dry, flaky and scaly. If dry skin is left untreated deeper cracks will appear and can lead to bleeding and skin infection. A dry face is also likely to feel uncomfortable and itchy.
What Areas of Skin are Prone to Dryness?
Certain skin parts may be dryer than others. While some people experience skin dryness on their faces, particularly around the mouth area, others are affected by dried skin on the arms, legs, thighs and the sides of the abdomen.
The lower legs and ankles may be prone to excessive dryness, and the limbs will often itch or feel sore as the skin feels ultra-sensitive. Babies may suffer with dry itchy patches as they grow, particularly areas of skin that come in contact with nappies.