How To Get Great Skin This Summer, A Guide For Men

great skin for men
use our tips for men to get great skin this summer

Ok you guys, summer is here and with the ladies busy getting their complexions and their bodies toned up and beautiful for the beach – where you would like to be too, (except that you have a face full of zits), listen up and I am going to help you with some tactics to improve your skin without you having to embarrass yourself by going to a beauty salon or spa for facial treatments to repair the damage!

First of all, you have to really want your skin to be better – and ok, maybe you are not going to turn into a metrosexual and take on a really comprehensive skin care routine with an array of lotions and potions to rival anything the ladies use – but it’s no good being jealous of the guys with great skin, you are going to have to work at it, just the same as working those abs and pecs is the only way to get your body in shape!

If you just don’t know where to start with a good skin care routine because all you have ever used on your face is soap and water, learn (and apply) this little saying: “What Every True Man Needs For Perfection”!

W is for washing, cleansing your skin
E is for exfoliating
T is for toning
M is for moisturizing
N is for nourishing
F is for finally ….
P is for Protecting which comes last of all but is even more important than any other single step!

Why is men’s skin more oily in the summer when they need to look great for all those outdoor occasions? Skin care experts attribute a lot of the problem to humidity which causes the oil in the skin to rise to the surface. This has the unfortunate effect of trapping dirt and dead skin cells in the pores. Add to this the fact that men’s skin has bigger pores and (on average) twenty percent more oil that women’s skin, you can see why those bacteria that cause acne blemishes, pimples, blackheads and whiteheads have a ‘field day’ on your face in the summer!

So let’s take a look at what is needed

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