Of all the things new parents worry about in the early days of caring for their newborn, baby pimples are probably last on the list. You may be surprised to know that baby acne is actually quite common. It typically appears on the baby’s cheeks, and may also appear on his forehead, chin and back.
It is common to confuse baby pimples with milia, which are tiny facial bumps.
Milia are present at birth and disappear within a few weeks. Likewise, if the irritation resembles a rash more than acne, and affects the head or other parts of the body rather than the face, it is more likely to be cradle cap or eczema.

The good news is that baby pimples normally disappear within a few weeks, and should not cause the little one any discomfort whatsoever. If you can work out what is causing the pimples, you have a better chance of treating them. Some experts think that the hormones a baby receives from her mother at the end of the pregnancy is the cause of baby acne. Other possible causes are medication taken by the nursing mother, or a reaction to a laundry detergent.