Is It a Pimple or Cold Sore? How to Tell the Difference

Is it a pimple or cold sore? Getting a spot on or near the lips, inside the nostril, or even on the chin can get people searching the internet to find out the answer!

Since both types of blemish affect the face it is quite easy to confuse a spot with a cold sore or the other way around.

However to treat either of them appropriately, find out below how to tell what that red spot that has just appeared actually is!

What is a Pimple?

pimple or cold soreA spot or zit is another name for a pimple. As mentioned, small lesions that develop on the skin and might even feel inflamed or painful, are known as pimples, a type of acne, and look quite similar to the early stages of a cold sore when they appear around the lips. The cause of pimples is a bacterial infection or excess oil in the facial oil glands, which inflame the glands and as a result they get filled with pus.

Identifying the symptoms of pimples is one way people can determine which they are actually suffering from. One of the best ways people can telling the difference, is to recall if there was any forewarning sign before the lesion occurred.

In the case of spots, these pus-filled bumps can occur simply out of the blue. Pimples can be present anywhere on the body and usually are more likely on the T zone of the face and are associated with oily skin as well as acne prone skin.

What is a Cold Sore?

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