Photorejuvenation is a method of pimple treatment that is gaining in popularity amongst those who suffer from acne.
It is an incredible figure but statistics show that close to $4 billion is spent on various different acne treatments worldwide, every year.
Much of this total is spent on treatments and medications that have quite unpleasant side effects for many users and many users of these treatments find that the benefit they see in their skin really is not worth the side effects they have to endure.
We all want to have great-looking skin and especially for teenagers and young adults who are particularly vulnerable to skin breakouts due to hormonal changes, a remedy for acne pimples and blemishes which works fast without side-effects is bound to be popular. Photorejuvenation definitely fits the bill. It is excellent as a blemish and pimple treatment as well as fading scars and skin-staining marks from previous outbreaks.
What is IPL Photorejuvenation?

Photorejuvenation light therapy treatment delivers pulses of light and uses different wavelengths that are effective on different layers of the skin and different types of blemishes.
Effectively, the different wavelengths are represented by light of different colours and this is why you will see blue light, or red light treatments or combination treatments advertised.
Blue light is the type specifically used to treat acne as it destroys the bacteria that cause the problem. It also has a comforting and soothing effect on your skin. Red light has the effect of promoting the circulation of blood beneath the skin surface.
Of course, these two lights are part of the visible spectrum and do not penetrate far into the skin, only up to about ten millimetres. This makes it particularly effective at treating surface problems such as acne blemishes and scars. The fine beams of light destroy their target skin cells, resulting in the generation of new skin cells, producing the rejuvenating effect. The treatment is aimed at the layers below the skin surface so it is not abrasive on the skin.
A treatment of photo rejuvenation also includes light from the invisible end of the spectrum and this lighe will penetrate much more deeply and it is this long-wavelength light which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin within the skin which is why it is called rejuvenation treatment – because it leads to the skin looking (and behaving), like younger, more youthful skin.
This type of pimple treatment is entirely safe provided that either you have your treatments dispensed by a dermatologist or beautician who will abide by all the necessary safety guidelines or, that you follow all the instructions very carefully if you purchase a home treatment system. There are several really good ones available which can definitely save you a lot of money when compared with the cost of salon treatments. As mentioned though, it is very important to follow the directions and wear appropriate eye protection as blue light will damage the eyes, leading to a condition known as macular degeneration if you do now wear the safety goggles recommended.
Home photorejuvenation from Quasar
Photrejuvenation treatments can be expensive. However, there is a company called Quasar that makes home treamtent devices in a range of sizes and prices to suit most budgets. The great thing about these products is that Quasar Light Therapy is FDA registered and approved which is reassuring when you are using this type of treatment on your skin. Use these Quasar links, to visit the two products in the Baby Quasar range, a red light treatment for facial rejuvenation (pictured above) and a blue light treatment for acne blemish and scar treatment. Both are available from a range of home photorejuvenation treatment products available at Amazon.
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Photorejuvenation treatment is also referred to as IPL (intense pulsed light) and in addition to being used as an acne scarring and pimple treatment, it is also very effective in treating liver spots (sometimes called age spots) and other forms of skin discoloration such as birthmarks and patches of hyperpigmentation. It is also very helpful on the skin condition known as Rosacea, the tiny thread veins or broken capillaries that are visible beneath the skin’s surface and the treatment of signs of aging such as lines and wrinkles.
Depending on the blemishes you have or the results you are trying to achieve, you will need a different course of treatment. Immediate benefits in the complexion are visible after the very first treatment.
However, if you are being treated for hyperpigmentation, this may require several treatments to achieve the desired result. The photorejuvenation treatment for lines and wrinkles will require the greatest number of treatments but does deliver really good results.
Top Tip:One final word about using photorejuvenation, whether as a pimple treatment for acne and other blemishes or for more youthful skin – your skin will be much more sensitive to sunlight after treatment and you should take care to protect your skin in accordance with the instructions for whichever treatment you have received. Be sure to protect your face by wearing a higher spf cream than normal and shielding your face with a wide brimmed hat.