Acne is considered to be a disorder of the pilosebaceous unit part of the skin’s immune system and comprising the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and a hair. These units are found on all parts of the body except on palms, top of the feet, soles and lower lip. Pilosebaceous units are found largely on the face, upper neck and chest. The sebum which is produced by the sebaceous glands keeps the skin and the hair moisturized.
Hidden causes of Acne

Researchers have proven over years that stress contributes as a major factor for acne breakouts. According to researchers, the steroid hormones like glucocorticoids and adrenal androgens are released due to stress. This can activate the oil glands causing skin pores to clog and finally resulting in acne breakouts. Based on the research, it was also found that college students were affected with more acne during exams.
For a different research study, young men were assigned with two 12-week diets of which one group was given carbohydrate-rich diet while the other was given protein-rich diet. Men having protein-rich diet were observed to have lowered the number of pimples twice as much as the ones having carbohydrate-rich diet. This study proved that an increase in insulin could cause inflammation and skin breakouts. So, eating less sugar and eating more whole grains can help in keeping the skin clean and healthy.