Healthy Clear Skin, Vitamins that Help

clear skin
Who doesn’t want clear skin, free from breakouts and excessive oils? They say that the best accessory to have is clear, glowing, and healthy skin. Healthy skin can go a long way in boosting confidence and self esteem.

Most people wish to have clear skin; however, it usually takes time and effort to achieve. You probably have known several people who have invested money on expensive skin products just to nail that clear complexion.

Yet, it actually takes little time and money to achieve similar healthy and beautiful skin. Aside from the basics, such as cleansing, toning, and moisturizing, you might need a little help from supplementary vitamins in achieving the skin of your dreams.

Your skin acts as a defensive barrier. It serves as a block that protects the internal structures of your body from the harmful and damaging substances that may be acquired in the external environment. Your skin is the very first organ in your body that would show signs of aging. Knowing this, it is important to pay serious attention to your skin.

Constantly keeping your skin hydrated and safeguarded from the damaging effects of the sun (ultraviolet rays) may give you that young, blemish-free, and glowing skin. Similarly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle – a healthy diet and healthy practices – will also give you that clear and glowing beautiful skin.

A number of vitamins today are required to achieve the beautiful skin that will make you look more beautiful and attractive. Most of these vitamins have antioxidant properties that reduces free radicals, those which make the skin look dull and contribute to its aging.

Need more information about antioxidants and free radicals?

Find out more about the antioxidant benefits of green tea, both as a drink and when used in skin care products in this article.

Protect your skin and repair the damage caused by free radicals with Juice Beauty Serum, read more about the amazing benefits of this organic and natural product in this article.

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How To Get Great Skin This Summer, A Guide For Men

great skin for men
use our tips for men to get great skin this summer

Ok you guys, summer is here and with the ladies busy getting their complexions and their bodies toned up and beautiful for the beach – where you would like to be too, (except that you have a face full of zits), listen up and I am going to help you with some tactics to improve your skin without you having to embarrass yourself by going to a beauty salon or spa for facial treatments to repair the damage!

First of all, you have to really want your skin to be better – and ok, maybe you are not going to turn into a metrosexual and take on a really comprehensive skin care routine with an array of lotions and potions to rival anything the ladies use – but it’s no good being jealous of the guys with great skin, you are going to have to work at it, just the same as working those abs and pecs is the only way to get your body in shape!

If you just don’t know where to start with a good skin care routine because all you have ever used on your face is soap and water, learn (and apply) this little saying: “What Every True Man Needs For Perfection”!

W is for washing, cleansing your skin
E is for exfoliating
T is for toning
M is for moisturizing
N is for nourishing
F is for finally ….
P is for Protecting which comes last of all but is even more important than any other single step!

Why is men’s skin more oily in the summer when they need to look great for all those outdoor occasions? Skin care experts attribute a lot of the problem to humidity which causes the oil in the skin to rise to the surface. This has the unfortunate effect of trapping dirt and dead skin cells in the pores. Add to this the fact that men’s skin has bigger pores and (on average) twenty percent more oil that women’s skin, you can see why those bacteria that cause acne blemishes, pimples, blackheads and whiteheads have a ‘field day’ on your face in the summer!

So let’s take a look at what is needed

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Are Facials Worth the Money?

relaxing facial
Professional facials are relaxing and can improve skin by treating spots and blemishes - but are they really worth the money?
For some women, no visit to the salon is complete without a facial. Spending time in a relaxing atmosphere while a professional massages, moisturizes and clarifies can leave you feeling rested and glowing, as well as reduce unpleasant blemishes on your face. Whether you go once a week or once a year, you’ll find that facials result in better skin and a more toned face.

Those who attend regularly certainly look better as a result, but they also pay some major fees in the process. Is it really worth spending hundreds of dollars a year on facials? In truth, almost everything done at a salon can be performed at home, on your own, for a fraction of the cost. You will, however, be losing the practiced hands of an aesthetician, along with his or her knowledge and guidance when it comes to caring for your skin.

A facial usually lasts an hour, although some are as short as 15 minutes. A standard procedure involves cleansing, the removal of dead skin cells, massaging, moisturizing, blackhead extraction and finally a skin mask. The details vary depending on the salon and what your individual skin needs, and are usually determined by the aesthetician. You get the benefit of a soothing environment and a professional evaluation of what your skin needs, as well as any of the other services offered at the salon. Massage treatments and the right masks can take years off of your face, without having to resort to more intense and expensive options like Botox. But every part of a facial can be approximated as part of your routine hygiene regimen.

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Best Skincare Products for Adult Acne

adult acne
Check out our recommendations for skin care products to treat adult acne
Adult acne is a genuine problem for around a quarter of all men and up to half of all women. Levels of severity vary and most cases of adult acne are very mild.

Some adults do suffer from bad acne and the impact can be devastating as skin problems can cause a lack of confidence and be depressing. However there are some excellent treatments available to sufferers.

We have provided a few of the best non-prescription products, from some of the leading brands, that you can use to complement your prescribed medicines or existing skincare regime.

Benzoyl Peroxide – Benzoyl Peroxide is a core element of treating acne and can be found in many prescribed gels, creams and ointments. If you are not already using it as part of your prescribed acne treatments it is available from a number of skincare retailers. Jan Marini, gloTherapeutics and Obagi all produce products that contain Benzoyl Peroxide. It is best to seek advice from a skincare professional before using Benzoyl Peroxide.

Jan Marini Bioglycolic Cleanser – A good cleanser is a key part of any skincare regime, especially if you suffer from acne. This cleanser can be used on all skin types and it is gentle compared to other acne targeted cleansers. The main ingredient is glycolic acid. Glycolic acid is very good at penetrating deep into the skin and breaking down the top levels which improves texture and ultimately reduces the appearance of blemishes such as acne damage. It is often used by skincare professionals for chemical peels but in much higher concentrations. A stronger alternative for more experienced users of glycolic acid products is NeoStrata Foaming Glycolic Wash.

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Skin Care Tips For Pimples and Acne

flawless skin
Flawless skin not only makes you look good, it makes you feel more confident too!

You look good, when you feel good. However, the phrase can be reversed and still it stands true. Thus, a vibrant, flawless skin can make you feel good and confident. Even a little flaw on your skin due to acne or pimples can hamper your self-confidence. Acne is a common problem in the United States, especially in adolescents.

Optimal skin care is required to treat pimple problems. Skin is the most vital organ of the body and it is undergoing a constant change. Thus, you need to be vigilant about any unwelcome changes such as pimples. Nevertheless, healthy skin and good looking skin are two different concepts, which may or may not be mutually attained.

Tips for Pimple Treatment

Nearly everyone suffers from a pimple problem during their teenage years. Although, it is common, leaving it untreated can cause severe consequences. Also, there are different kinds of skin types and the severity of an acne problem may differ too, but a few common tips can help control acne.

  • Wash your Face
    A pimple problem is caused due to the oil, sebum and pollutants clogging in the pores of the skin. Thus, washing your face twice a day is suggested by most dermatologists. However, while washing your face for the second time, there is no need to apply face wash. Simply splash normal tap water and gently massage the face into circular motion. Overdoing the massaging or face washing can also irritate the skin.
  • Eat Healthy
    healthy dietHealthy food is a key to most of the benign disorders including acne problems. Although, eating junk food and fried food is not linked to the cause of acne breakouts, choosing fresh fruits and vegetables over junk food has definitely established some significant benefits. Milk products and chocolates can aggravate acne and therefore, it is wise to avoid having too much of these.
  • Keep your Hands off Your Face
    More than anything else, you may find it difficult to keep your hands off your face. You are likely to be tempted to pick, pop or squeeze the pimples, which leads to the formation of scars.
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