If you have wanted to try a hydrating serum for your skin, In this article, we are going to take a look at two products, Quench Hydrating Face Serum (the dry skin version) and Oil Free Quench (which is designed for oily skin) Both products are from Kate Somerville and I am providing a review of both products available so you can check out whichever is most suitable for your skin type.
The Philosophy Behind Kate Somerville Products

First of all, Kate Sommerville’s business philosophy is refreshingly simple, she works to help people look and feel great by developing products that resolve skin problems. She used to suffer from Eczema herself. This is a form of dermatitis which comes from the Greek word for ‘to boil’ (read more about Eczema here) , so understands perfectly how demoralizing and confidence-sapping it can be to face the world with blemished skin or with skin that feels uncomfortably dry and sore. So, for Kate, helping people comes first and the business success has followed – I applaud her!
Why Both Dry and Oily Skins Need Quench Hydrating Serum
Whether your skin is dry or oily, it needs hydration. What people with oily skin often do not realise, is that by trying to rid their skin of excess oil to remove that oily shine, they may be making matters worse if they do not replace the lost moisture. Our skin makes sebum, a natural oil, to moisturise it. When we remove the oil and leave our skin dry, the oil producing glands (sebaceous glands) can go into a sort of ‘over-drive’ in an effort to compensate causing a vicious cycle that escalates if we are not careful.