Baking Soda for acne pimples is one of those home remedies for pimples that gets a lot of comment around various forums on the internet. So here is the low-down! I have collected all the information I can find, researched people’s findings and how they are using baking soda on pimples and presented the information here for you. First of all, let’s be clear about what exactly baking soda is. Baking soda is bicarbonate of soda and is a white powder made up of tiny crystals. Baking soda, as the name suggests is used in baking to help make cakes lighter but it is NOT the same as baking powder and if buying specifically for your skin you need to be sure to get the right product. It is mildy alkaline so can help to re-balance the pH of your skin. The image on the right is from
Here are Three Ways To Use Baking Soda for Acne
1. Use as a spot treatment. Apply it in the same way that toothpaste is used as an overnight pimple treatment. Obviously the toothpaste is already a ‘paste’ and if you want to get the baking soda to stick to your spot, you need to mix it with a liquid of some sort.
- The easiest and most obvious liquid is water, I prefer to put a small quantity of baking soda into a little saucer and add water to make a paste.
- Tea tree oil can also be used but I prefer to add a only a couple of drops of this and then mix to a paste with plain water to avoid it being too concentrated.
- Lemon juice is another home remedy you could add – either alone or in combination with the water depending on the sensitivity of your skin.
- Apple cider vinegar is also good for mixing your paste. Again you can use this on its own or dilute with plain water.
The best way to apply this paste to your spots is to use a clean makeup brush. If you are using this as a spot treatment for the first time, apply during the evening so that you can rinse it off if you experience any discomfort or irritation – if this works without any problem, next time leave it on whilst you sleep but let it dry before you actually settle down for the night to avoid letting it dry onto your pillowcase.
Editor’s note: Most people wouldn’t think that something like baking soda can be a remedy for acne, and most wouldn’t realize that a lot of the household items in their kitchen have medicinal uses. Gain more insight on the health industry with a master of science in nursing
2. Use a Baking Soda mask. This should be used with caution if you have sensitive skin and rinsed off straight away if you experience a burning sensation. You should also be sure to use this on freshly cleansed skin that is free of makeup and any acne treatment preparations you may be using. Some people reported redness of the skin persisting for about an hour after using the mask. I haven’t experienced this problem and find it leaves my skin feeling smooth, soft and cleansed. I use it once a week or less often as I am getting fewer problems as I get older! It probably would be too drying to use more than once or twice a week anyway.

Make a paste using water to get the right consistency to spread on your face. This is easy to do with a flat brush, simply brush on and leave for five to ten minutes. This mask does tend to harden on the skin – I personally don’t leave it on my face long enough to get really dried out. Afterwards, rinse your face copiously with tepid water and pat dry. Be careful not to get any of the mask in your eyes and don’t rub your face as you are removing the mask. To make your baking soda mask even more effective, you can either, add a couple of drops of tea tree oil, or mix some honey into the paste, or add a little cider vinegar. Be aware that cider vinegar in particular may irritate sensitive skin. Be sure not to leave the mask on too long and always rinse really thoroughly and apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer afterwards.
How to make a simple Baking Soda Mask at home
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3. Use Baking Soda as an exfoliatior for acne pimples and blackheads. This method involves mixing to a paste with water and massaging onto the skin. Because of the crystalline structure of the tiny granules, it is very effective for exfoliation and also dries the excess oils from your skin too. On the other hand, for me personally, this is too harsh for my complexion. So if you do try it for this purpose, try on a very small area first and use gentle circular motions with your fingertips. Do not exfoliate for more than a minute on your face and rinse well afterwards.
I actually like to use this mixture for hard skin on my feet, rubbing the mixture round the heels and balls of my feet makes them smooth and soft and I finish with a good moisturizer. There are a quite a few commenters in forums online who report that they use this method in the shower for back and chest acne to good effect but as I don’t suffer with this problem, I haven’t tried it. A good tip for using it for this purpose though is to mix it with a little of your usual body wash in a bowl and take this into the shower with you and use on the affected areas.
Video Demonstration of Making a Baking Soda Exfoliator
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The verdict on baking soda for acne pimples
I like using this inexpensive home remedy. Used as a spot treatment, I think this is as effective as the toothpaste remedy and works really well. As a facial mask, it can be a bit messy and you need to experiment to get the consistency just right. However, it is effective and provided you are careful not to overdo it if you have sensitive skin, you should see good improvements with regular use. There is no doubt that it is very effective as an exfoliator – however, I find it too harsh for my facial skin and prefer to use baking soda for acne pimples as a spot treatment and as an occasional facial mask.