How To Get Rid Of Pimple Redness Quickly

Sometimes it feels as though that pimple on your face is like a beacon! It is not surprising that people want to know how to get rid of the redness of a pimple or spot as fast as possible!

Whether you are a teenager in high school or an adult, acne and pimples can be a real cause of embarrassment.

The problem with blemishes is that if they are not dealt with properly they can result in permanent scars. Here are a few trusted remedies that will be sure to help you accomplish exactly that.

For reviews of over the counter remedies effective at dealing with the redness and inflammation of spots, go here or to check out a treatment that can have good results in just one hour, check this review.

How to Get Rid of Pimple Redness? Avoid Touching Your Face

get rid of pimple rednessIn any discussion of acne, the advice to avoid touching your face with your hands and fingertips cannot be stressed enough. Many of us do not realize how often we touch our faces during the day, while talking, reading, sitting at the computer and so on.

Although skin problems can certainly be frustrating, you will only make them worse by putting your fingers near them. Not only does that approach ultimately cause bacteria to spread, it also prevents those areas from getting the chance to heal.

Use Ice to Reduce Spot Redness

how to get rid of pimple rednessFreezing is a great way to reduce redness and swelling.

Simply take ice cubes out of the fridge and hold it to your problem spots once every hour or so.

The difference it makes may surprise you.

Toothpaste on Pimples is an Option

This one has been in use for a very long time. If you decide to let the toothpaste do the work, you start by washing your face and then placing a small amount on the pimple.

This is best done before going to bed although you can use it during the day if you prefer. Toothpaste on pimples works so fast that in no time at all you will find that the blemish is dramatically reduced.

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How To Get Rid Of Pimple Scars

If you are worried that you will never know how to get rid of pimple scars, there is good news for you!

There are many natural remedies you can try to minimize the after effects of those nasty acne breakouts. All of them can be done in the comfort of your home, using all-natural ingredients, many of which you will already have in your refrigerator or store cupboard.

Your first step in learning how to get rid of pimple scars should be to try a lemon juice facial. Dip a cotton ball in some lemon juice and gently massage it over your acne scars. The acidity in the lemon juice will soften the skin, reducing the appearance of the marks. Leave the juice on your skin for around 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.

how to get rid of pimples scarsAn alternative pimple treatment is a tomato face mask. Slice a tomato in two and hold each half in one hand. Rub them over your scars. This works by lightening the scars, and has the added benefit of increasing skin elasticity. Leave the tomato juice on your skin for around 20 minutes, then wash it away with warm water.

Egg whites have healing properties that can help reduce the appearance of pimple scars. The aminon acids and proteins contained within them tighten pores which improves the look and texture of the skin. To use this treatment, just dip a cotton ball into egg white from a fresh egg and massage it gently into your skin. Leave it on for up to 20 minutes, then wash your face with warm water. This treatment works best if used regularly so two or three times a week will be needed to see improvements.

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How To Stop Pimples From Appearing

how to stop pimples from appearingIf you have found this article because you want to find out how to stop pimples from appearing and spoiling your complexion, read on!

On this page you will find some hints and tips on how to get rid of pimples naturally and stop them from coming back.

The first thing to consider when you are thinking about how to prevent pimples from appearing, is not what you put on your face, it is what you put into your mouth!

    • a)Firstly, think about your diet try to cut down on refined and sugary foods as these can sometimes be responsible for making our bodies produce excessive oil (sebum) which in turn will lead to skin problems including pimples and blackheads.
      • b)Secondly, think about how much water you drink in a day. I am not talking here about caffeinated or fizzy drinks which should be kept to a minimum in a healthy diet, I am talking about good old H2O! Keeping your body properly hydrated is very important if you want to have healthy skin.
        • c)Thirdly, think about taking some dietary supplements to help your skin – even if your diet is really good, you may from time to time need some supplementation and vitamins A and E will help your skin as will evening primrose oil capsules and garlic tablets or capsules.

        How to avoid pimples: -could using natural antibacterial products really help?

        how to stop pimplesNow give some thought to the products you are putting on your skin and consider whether some natural products such as tea tree oil could be incorporated into your skin care routine because of the wonderful anti-bacterial properties.

        This property is important in getting rid of spots and stopping more pimples from developing because products with an antibacterial effect will cut down on existing inflammation and prevent future infection. The following quote shows how important Tea Tree Oil (TTO) is and you can read the full article at Clinical Microbiological Reviews web site if you would like to use the link provided.

        “One of the first rigorous clinical studies assessed the efficacy of 5% TTO in the treatment of acne by comparing it to 5% benzoyl peroxide (BP) (14). The study found that both treatments reduced the numbers of inflamed lesions, although BP performed significantly better than TTO. The BP group showed significantly less oiliness than the TTO group, whereas the TTO group showed significantly less scaling, pruritis, and dryness. Significantly fewer overall side effects were reported by the TTO group (27 of 61 patients) than by the BP group (50 of 63 patients).”

        Other natural remedies you could try for their antibacterial properties are aloe vera juice or gel applied to the skin and applying honey directly to your skin – a bit sticky and messy, but wonderfully healing!

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        How To Prevent Pimples, Two Top Tips

        If I had the definitive answer to the problem of how to prevent pimples, I probably would not be sitting at my computer writing this article, I would be off on a lovely beach somewhere, sunning myself – because you only have to look online to realise that skin care is BIG business!

        However, before I talk myself out of a job altogether, I have lined up some of my favourite tips and hints for how to avoid pimples becoming a problem for you and start to get back your clear complexion.

        You already know that what causes pimples is usually an inflammation or infection that starts under the skin because pores have become clogged by excess oil or sebum production and this becomes a sort of ‘bacteria magnet’ which sets up a vicious cycle of infection scratching or popping your spots, spreading the bacteria, causing more spots and so on and so on.

        It naturally follows that having a two-pronged attack on both the excessive oil production and the bacteria that cause the spots and pimples can only help in your quest to prevent pimples and clear the ones you already have.

        Tackle Bacteria and Prevent Those Pimples!

        Get into a good skincare routine, as outlined on this site. You do not want to overdo it and dry out your skin too much as your body’s natural reaction to this is to produce more oil which is going to be counter-productive. But, washing your skin twice a day with a mild, antibacterial cleanser will help enormously.

        how to prevent pimples

        Secondly, try not to touch your skin with your hands. It is much harder than it sounds and is something we all do, unconsciously, many times a day. As you are inevitably going to touch your face with your hands no matter how hard you try not to, follow these steps to keep your hands as clean as possible.

        The image on the right from the BBC website shows bacteria on hands under ultraviolet light.

        • Always wash your hands after visiting the washroom, always wash your hands when you come in from shopping (think of how many door handles, products and so on you have touched that maybe hundreds of other people have touched before you with germs and bacteria on their hands).
        • Keep your computer keyboard and telephone regularly cleansed (one report I read recently suggested that there could be more bacteria on a computer keyboard than in your toilet – not a nice thought).

        Next, think about all the other things that come into contact with your face during the day.

        • Start off with your face towel and your pillow case, try to change these every day.
        • Keep your hair off your face as much as you can (this is especially important for preventing pimples on forehead), clip it or tie it back when practical to do so and keep your hair as clean as possible too.
        • Check your make-up – this can be a breeding ground for bacteria too. Try never to put your finger into cosmetics, always use a clean applicator, keep applicators and make-up brushes clean and dispose of any cosmetics that are past their sell by date or which you have had for a long time. The same goes for moisturizers and skin care products.

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        How to Get Rid of Pimples Naturally

        fruit for clear healthy skin
        increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet will improve your skin – as will using fruits in home made skin masks
        Before you resort to strong medicated treatments for your pimples, find out how to get rid of pimples naturally.

        By looking at the bigger picture and making changes to your diet, lifestyle and skin care routine, you can greatly improve the appearance and condition of your skin, get rid of existing breakouts and prevent new ones from occurring.

        Natural Remedies For Pimples

        It can be difficult to make drastic changes to your diet, but the beautiful, clear skin you are going to have should be all the motivation you need to eat more healthily. Include large quantities of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds in your diet.

        pumpkin seedsThe essential vitamins and minerals in these foods will help to clear up your skin. If you find it difficult to eat large amounts of fruit and vegetables, incorporate them into your diet by making tasty smoothies and juices from fresh fruit and leaf green vegetables.

        Instead of reaching for unhealthy, sugary snacks, carry a pack of brazil nuts or pumpkin seeds around with you and graze on them during the day. They are both high in minerals that are thought to help reduce acne (Brazil nuts are high in selenium and pumpkin seeds are high in zinc).

        You cannot ignore diet when it comes to learning how to get rid of pimples naturally.

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