Those who attend regularly certainly look better as a result, but they also pay some major fees in the process. Is it really worth spending hundreds of dollars a year on facials? In truth, almost everything done at a salon can be performed at home, on your own, for a fraction of the cost. You will, however, be losing the practiced hands of an aesthetician, along with his or her knowledge and guidance when it comes to caring for your skin.
A facial usually lasts an hour, although some are as short as 15 minutes. A standard procedure involves cleansing, the removal of dead skin cells, massaging, moisturizing, blackhead extraction and finally a skin mask. The details vary depending on the salon and what your individual skin needs, and are usually determined by the aesthetician. You get the benefit of a soothing environment and a professional evaluation of what your skin needs, as well as any of the other services offered at the salon. Massage treatments and the right masks can take years off of your face, without having to resort to more intense and expensive options like Botox. But every part of a facial can be approximated as part of your routine hygiene regimen.
How To Give Yourself A Home Facial
To perform a facial at home, you will need a few different products to get the whole effect. Start with a brisk wash, then use an exfoliating scrub to transform your face into a blank canvas. If you can, drape a towel over your head and hold your face over a steaming bowl of water to open up your pores. Then, spread a mask over your face for approximately half an hour. You can purchase masks or whip up your own based on hundreds of recipes available online. Finally, when you’ve washed off the mask, apply a moisturizer by gently rubbing it in in circles up your face. This strengthens your facial muscles and gives your face a tight, toned appearance. At the same time, pamper yourself with a manicure and pedicure to feel even more refreshed!
Editor’s note, why not try our recipe for a homemade honey face mask?
What Are The Benefits of Professional Facials?
So, if you can perform all of the basic components of a facial, why go to a salon? Some simply enjoy the experience, but others have a more practical reason: the help of a skin expert.
This is a guest post by Cindi Lewis who writes for Glossy, a hair care products and beauty products online retailer.