Simple Beauty Tips For Face Pimples

These simple beauty tips for face pimples could provide the answer to a challenge for both men and women alike when it comes to skin care and physical appearance – acne breakouts causing pimples and blemishes. Nobody wants blotchy red pimples on their face, that’s the bottom line. Our face is the first thing people look at and whatever they say that personality beats the looks when it comes to first impressions, let’s be real here and admit that physical looks make a lasting impression.

Pimples, acne or as most would prefer to call it “zits” is bothersome and such a pain. There is nothing good about having pimples on your face or any part of your body for that matter.

There are some lucky people who have clear skin and never seem to suffer a single spot. But for those people, who have it and are currently battling with spots and blemishes, don’t fret, there will always be a cure and yes – we’re sharing beauty tips for face pimples.

beauty tips for face pimplesYou guys, don’t stop reading!

When we say “beauty tips”, it doesn’t mean this is meant for women only. We’re talking about tips for spots and pimples for both men and women because we understand the agony and the insecurity everyone has with this kind of skin problem – because we’ve been there!

Now, with our tips for treating pimples on the face we assure you that you can become more confident in meeting people face to face in your professional, social and personal life.

Beauty tips for clearing pimples on your face

  • cleansing routineWash your face regularly. For women, you need to wash your face diligently most especially if you have worn make-up for the day. Remember that air has dirt and bacteria and whether you’re inside the house or outside, the skin on your face comes contact with dirt in the air. For oily skin, you are more prone to having spots because of your clogged pores.
  • Drink lots of water. This is said in almost every bit of skin care advice I have ever read but it bears repeating here because it is so true. Water is a cleansing fluid. It cleans clog pores and flushes out bad toxins. It helps your skin breath – thus minimizing the formation of pimples.
  • best pimple spot treatmentIf you ever get a pimple, do not touch it. Clean it thoroughly with your cleanser and water, if you do not have the luxury of a dermatologist there are many great products on this site that either work as an overnight pimple treatment to dry up the blemish by the following morning, or as a convenient ‘carry with you’ treatment you can just dab onto the blemish for rapid relief on the go, whether this is at work, school or just out and about during the day.
  • Get enough sleep. The lack of sleep has a very negative impact on your skin, because you are not getting the proper rest, is is almost as if your skin feels the same way looking tired and lack-lustre.
  • drink plenty of waterIf you already have acne, or are getting breakouts more frequently or severely than in the past, this will be the opportune time to make an appointment with a dermatologist. They can analyse your skin and will talk to you about other factors such as diet, lifestyle and stress in order to arrive at the very best way of dealing with your pimples and what medication is needed to treat them .
  • Have the right balanced diet eating a good mixture of all the food groups (essential fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables). No, this isn’t to lose weight, this is to help your body and most especially, your skin, to get the right nutrients and vitamins it really needs to remain healthy avoiding breakouts as far as possible and providing it with the nutrients it needs to repair itself quickly when blemishes do occur.
  • Have a happy disposition. This is actually not prescribed or written in medical books, but it is a medically proven fact that stress does have a very negative impact on our bodies and our skin. Minimizing stress as far as possible will help in all areas of your life, not just your complexion!

Now that you have checked out our beauty tips for face pimples, why not head over to the site index page (use the link at the top of the page) and take a look at the products we have reviewed – for example, to find out how to get rid of a pimple quickly, read our review of Neutrogena Rapid Clear. Using one or more of the products we have reviewed, in combination with the tips above, will help you to get back your clear skin and keep it that way!