Causes Of Rosacea

Rosacea on faceMedical science has yet to pinpoint the exact causes of rosacea although there are many theories on the disorder’s origin.

When rosacea first develops there is a certain amount of flushing around the nose and cheeks, this is believed to occur because blood vessels located beneath the surface of the skin get dilated and the increased blood near the skins surface gives a red, flushed appearance.

Occasionally acne like bumps are present, especially in the redder areas of the face. It is said that up to one out of every twenty people suffer with the condition.

Understanding What Causes Rosacea

As stated above there are no definitive answers when it comes to pinpointing the exact causes of Rosacea. Through research that has been carried out there do seem to be some common factors when it comes to the causes of rosacea.

  • One of the more common triggers for the condition was reported to be over exposure to the sun or extremes in temperature, going quickly from a hot environment to cold or vice versa.
  • Alcohol is also believed to be a contributing factor and if you are affected, it is recommended that you should reduce the amount you consume.
  • People have found that using certain skin care products or cosmetics can be a contributing factor to their rosacea. Try and take note if your condition worsens when using certain products and refrain from using them.
  • Stress also plays a big part, people reported the condition was triggered or made worse when they found themselves in stressful situations.
  • Some people experienced a worsening of their condition through over exercise. Of course on the whole exercise is good for us, but for some exercising too much worsened their condition.

If you are regularly exposed to any of the above factors which are known to play a part in triggering or worsening existing Rosacea, we recommend you try avoiding them and see if this helps improve your skin.

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Rosacea Treatments

The causes of rosacea can vary from one person to another, any treatment should therefore be tailored for each individual.

  • People with redness and pimples are often prescribed with oral antibiotics in the short term to bring the condition under control. This is then followed by the use of topical creams as a longer term treatment.
  • Rosacea symptoms around the eye area are commonly treated with ophthalmic therapy and oral antibiotics.
  • Cosmetics are also used to reduce the effect of rosacea on the appearance by minimising redness and correcting uneven skin tone. People may benefit from gentle and appropriate skin care.
  • Where it is deemed appropriate, laser treatment or other surgical procedures can be used to reduce extensive redness, visible blood vessels or disfigurement of the nose.

Editor’s Note: The following video shows how laser treatment can be used to great effect for those suffering with the condition.

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Apart from the above, when trying to eliminate the causes of Rosacea, we also recommend that you try to identify and avoid any environmental or lifestyle factors that may aggravate your condition. Just a few simple changes may bring about a big improvement in your Rosacea and negate the need for the more invasive medical treatments or procedures.