Effective Tips For Dealing With Your Acne

acne blemishesHaving acne is never fun. Having acne blemishes painful, it makes your skin inflamed and blotchy and it can leave behind scarring if it is severe enough and goes untreated.

Acne is not something that will go away overnight, but there are treatments out there that will relieve some of the symptoms and speed up your healing process to a degree.

Here are some tips if you’re struggling with acne and you want to give yourself the best chance of beating the condition.

Keep Clean

This is one of the most simple, yet most effective acne treatment tips. If you want to give yourself the best chance of saying goodbye to your blemishes, you need to keep your face as clean as possible. You can use a specialist face wash for this job which will be great at clearing out your pores or you can try a trust bar of soap, which might not have the same exfoliating qualities as face scrub, but will have the effect of sucking moisture out of your skin, relieving some of your acne symptoms in the process.

Everyone is Different

You will know your skin better than anyone, besides your dermatologist. Everyone’s skin is different so what you must understand is that a treatment that works for one person don’t necessarily work for everyone. If a friend gives you skin care advice based on their own personal experience, it may not be relevant as you may have completely different skin types. Some people can eat all the junk food they want and they won’t get a single spot, others can only so much as look at a burger and they’ll have an outbreak. Understand your skin and what you have to do to look after it.

Use Specialist Products

There are hundreds of products out there on the cosmetics market that are designed to treat your spots and prevent them coming back. Be sure to use a quality product that is formulated to soothe, reduce redness and irritation and will also treat dry spots quickly and effectively. You can have an acne outbreak at any age, which is why for more mature skins it is essential to use a product specially designed to complement any anti-aging products you may be using. Make sure you choose a treatment that is sensitive on skin and will reduce inflammation where many anti-spot creams will only exacerbate the problem.

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6 Reasons We Pop Pimples

popping a pimplePopping your pimples (or as they are more commonly known, “zits”) is something that almost everyone has done. We have tried to resist popping those zits but in vain. Knowing completely well that it is not right to pop pimples because it may lead to scarring or further infection, we still do it. We keep telling ourselves not to touch a pimple and that we should never ever pop it. We could be either a saint or a liar and the last check there were very few saints that were canonized. Why do we really pop zits?

Reasons Why We Hate Having a Pimple and Want to Get Rid of It

It is ugly
It is unsightly, the presence of pus indicate that the face is unhealthy. It does not take rocket science for everyone to note that a face full of acne is never a pretty sight. This is the reason why people tend to pop their zit in order to lessen the possibility that their faces will be riddled with acne.

It is itchy
Of course it is itchy, because the body is releasing chemicals that tell our brains that there are local skin irritations. Suffering from an allergy may also give you an itch but that’s not the solution to make the itch go, right? Itch is the body’s way to tell you that there is something on your skin that needs your attention.

It has to heal faster
We want to remove the zit thus we pop it. It is a simple logic that will tell us that if there is something that does not belong to the face, we just get rid of it. Dermatologists recommend fighting that urge. But, instead use an acne medication which is the best way to remedy the situation. There are no short cuts in healing so you have to deal with it.

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SPF and Choosing the Right Skin Protection

winter sunEven though fall is here and people are breaking out boots and sweaters, skin care and sun protection should still be on the top of your list.

Studies have shown that the fall and winter sun rays have an even more damaging effect on skin due to the proximity of the sun. However, it can be overwhelming to know what type of sunscreen you need.

This guide will walk you through choosing a sunscreen that suits your skin type and activity level.

SPF: the higher the number, the higher the level of protection?

Many people are under the impression that if they use a sunscreen with a higher SPF, they will have a significantly higher level of protection from the sun. What they don’t understand is that:

  • The SPF rating on sunscreen describes the amount of UVB rays (which cause sunburns) it will block, not the UVA rays that actually cause the long-term skin damage and wrinkles
  • Sunscreen with an SPF of 15 is actually sufficient in blocking most UVB rays, if applied heavily and often throughout someone’s time in the sun–at least every two hours
  • While it is true that higher levels of SPF will block more UVB rays, it is not a significant increase, merely 2-4% higher
  • Regardless of the strength of the sunscreen against UVB rays, it must be applied often; even the highest SPF sunscreen will wear off throughout the day.
  • Sufficiently protecting against UVA rays requires a bit more research, including seeking out sunscreens that contain ingredients deemed by the Food and Drug Administration to protect against UVA rays. -Different skin types require varying degrees of UVB and UVA protection.

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Causes Of Rosacea

Rosacea on faceMedical science has yet to pinpoint the exact causes of rosacea although there are many theories on the disorder’s origin.

When rosacea first develops there is a certain amount of flushing around the nose and cheeks, this is believed to occur because blood vessels located beneath the surface of the skin get dilated and the increased blood near the skins surface gives a red, flushed appearance.

Occasionally acne like bumps are present, especially in the redder areas of the face. It is said that up to one out of every twenty people suffer with the condition.

Understanding What Causes Rosacea

As stated above there are no definitive answers when it comes to pinpointing the exact causes of Rosacea. Through research that has been carried out there do seem to be some common factors when it comes to the causes of rosacea.

  • One of the more common triggers for the condition was reported to be over exposure to the sun or extremes in temperature, going quickly from a hot environment to cold or vice versa.
  • Alcohol is also believed to be a contributing factor and if you are affected, it is recommended that you should reduce the amount you consume.
  • People have found that using certain skin care products or cosmetics can be a contributing factor to their rosacea. Try and take note if your condition worsens when using certain products and refrain from using them.
  • Stress also plays a big part, people reported the condition was triggered or made worse when they found themselves in stressful situations.
  • Some people experienced a worsening of their condition through over exercise. Of course on the whole exercise is good for us, but for some exercising too much worsened their condition.

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How Eating Alkaline Foods Help You Get Rid of Acne

Many people these days are suffering from facial problems and one that is very common is acne. Acne usually starts to appear in the face in the teen years until adulthood and if one is not careful, it may leave annoying facial scars. Many of those who have suffered acne have undergone all sorts of treatment and one that is very effective is eating alkaline rich foods.

There are many theories on acne being related to hormones or age but this may need more convincing facts. Health is one of the biggest factors to acne problems. And the alkaline diet may just be the perfect solution to this skin problem by bringing the body back to balance.

Fast Food

The main problem exists in the balance between the acid and alkaline content in the body. Many may not be aware that the real culprit to acne problems is in the foods that one eats – acid-based foods. Acidic foods are those that contain bad elements such as saturated fats, refined sugar and processed foods, the foods that mostly contain these are cakes, burgers, meat, dairy products, chips, bread, pasta, yeast cigarettes, alcohol and even one’s lifestyle like lack of exercise can all contribute to the acid content of one’s body. These foods slowly deteriorate the cells of the body thus causing all sorts of disease and illnesses including acne problems.

Like all the normal functions of the body such as maintaining a certain temperature, the body also maintains a balance between acid and alkaline, and normally the body’s pH level that should be maintained at all times must read between 7.35 to 7.45. If this is not achieved through the foods that we eat, the body sources alkaline minerals from the different cells and organs to maintain that kind of equilibrium which is debilitating for our body . If the food that is consumed is more of the acidic types, the body reacts by neutralizing it, robbing all the minerals the body needs like calcium, potassium and magnesium from the cells and bones of the body. When acids are neutralized it usually turns into yeast thus all sorts of bacteria and microorganisms appear and accumulate in the body.

Once toxins accumulate in the body it can cause all sorts of health related problems and the worst thing is that the lymphatic nodes may get affected causing cancer cells to appear in the intestines and other parts of the body. Acne, rosacea, psoriasis and eczema are only minor problems that are related to the imbalance of acidity and alkalinity in one’s body.

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